Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing to open an account with Coral
In accordance with the UK Gambling Act (2005), which requires us to ID verify all new account holders, we regret to inform you that we have been unable to verify you from the personal details submitted at registration.
We respectfully wish to advise that your account has been temporarily suspended awaiting additional proof of identity and address in order to satisfy the requirements of the above Act.
Please provide us with one item from list A and one item from list B:
List A
List B (All must be dated within the past three months)
Please note that if the address on your driving license or ID card matches your account address, then we will be able to accept this as both proof of identity and address.
We are able to accept the above documentation by:
Fax: 00 44 1483 747 097
Email: [email protected]
Post: Verifications Department, Globe House, Victoria Way, Woking, Surrey, Gu21 6dd