Dear suertepokerplayer
As part of a network we have rules that all skins need to follow. One of those rules on Cake
poker network is that no player can get more than 33% in rakeback.
Cakepokernetwork has today decided that we are not in compliance with the network rules
regarding rakeback and have therefore decided to shut us down.
We feel we are in the right here and are at this moment discussing this matter with representatives
from the Cake poker network.
During this time we assure you that your money is secure and you can at anytime login and
withdraw the money if you wish to do so.
We will get back to you as soon as we know the results of our discussions with Cake.
Our sincere apologies for this and we hope to be back online very soon.
kind regards
Смысл в чем. Нас задолбали, но мы постараемся сохранить Ваши деньги.В лобби ни турниров, ни билетов НЕТ.